Monday, 26 March 2018

Gig Guide - 20 March to 2 April

Each fortnight I will be posting any gigs that I think might be worth a look.  The list will be heavy on folk, blues, jazz, country, punk and singer/songwriters but will include the occasional surprise.  This is not a guide to everything that is going on in Hobart just the gigs that appeal to me.  It will be continually updated as the fortnight passes by.  I will also post gigs on my Patron of the Art Facebook page.

27 March - Dan Sultan - Spiegeltent - $45
28 March - Art School Bullies, Surreal Estate Agents and others - Brisbane Hotel - $15
29 March - Luca Brasi - Goods Shed - $40
29 March - Darren Hanlon & Michael Hurley - Republic - $30
30 March - The Patron Saints - Bright Eyes Espresso - Free
30 March - The Tommyhawks - Spiegeltent - $25
31 March - Spin the Bottle (Sith, Sam, Jed, Chris) - Republic - Free
31 March - Django's Tiger - Bright Eyes Espresso - Free
1 April - Montz Matsumoto - Bright Eyes Espresso - Free
1 April - The Audreys - Spiegeltent - $40

23 March - Bootleg Gin Sluggers & Songbooks - Street Eats Franko - Free
24 March - Day on the Lawn - Botanical Gardens - $78
24 March - Jimmy Barnes - Wrest Point - $102
24 March - All Our Exes Live in Texas - Spiegeltent - $40
24 March - Seth Henderon, Jed Appleton & Zac Henderson - Homestead - Free
24 & 25 March - Blues, Brews & Barbecues - Hobart Brew Co - $15
25 March - Ben Salter - Okines Garden, Dodges Ferry - Free
25 March - Gord Bamford - Longley International 
25 March - AlfanAnt - Republic - Free

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Gig Guide - 6 March to 19 March

Each fortnight I will be posting any gigs that I think might be worth a look.  The list will be heavy on folk, blues, jazz, country, punk and singer/songwriters but will include the occasional surprise.  This is not a guide to everything that is going on in Hobart just the gigs that appeal to me.  It will be continually updated as the fortnight passes by.  I will also post gigs on my Patron of the Art Facebook page.

15 March - Hussy Hicks - Republic - Free
16 & 17 March - Forth Valley Blues Festival - Forth - $90
16 March - Mike Noga - T-Bone Brewery - Free
16 March - Moonshine Whiskers & the Ragged Pony - Bright Eyes Espresso - Free
17 March - St Pats Day - New Sydney - Free
17 March - Ben Salter - Next Door Bar Frankin - $10
17 March - Madelena - Franklin Folk Club
18 March - End of Summer Blues - Longley International - Free
18 March - Dave Sikk Quartet - Cascade Gardens - Free
18 March - One Trick Pony - Bright Eyes Espresso - Free
18 March - Harry & Isaac Duo - Hobart Convict Penitentiary - $5

7 March - Holy Locust - Republic - Free
9 March - Cascade Swing - Bright Eyes Espresso - Free
10 & 11 March - Southern Music Festival - Longley International
11 March - Ben Salter - Salty Dog - Free
11 March - Deluxe - Cascade Gardens - Free
11 March - Hui & the Muse - Bright Eyes Espresso - Free
12 March - Wolfe Brothers - Huon Show

13 March - Breabach - Spiegeltent - $40