Each fortnight I post any "in real life" and online gigs that I think might be worth a look. The list is usually heavy on folk, blues, jazz, country, punk and singer/songwriters but sometimes includes a surprise. This is not a guide to everything that is going on just the gigs that appeal to me. It will be continually updated as the fortnight passes by. I will also post gigs on my Patron of the Arts Facebook page.
IRL Gigs
11 Sept - Tim & Scott - Hobart Brewing Co
11 Sept - Luca Brasi - Portland Hall, St Helens
12 Sept - Luca Brasi - Portland Hall, St Helens
13 Sept - Westwood & Doyle - Salty Dog, Kingston
18 Sept - Tim & Scott - Hobart Brewing Co
18 Sept - AIC Takeover - Australian Italian Club, Prospect
18 Sept - Luca Brasi - Royal Oak
19 Sept - Broken Girls Club/Belle's Boy/ACRES - Altar
19 Sept - Luca Brasi - Royal Oak
20 Sept - Phil Smith & the Lights - Longley International
20 Sept - Hobart Chamber Orchestra - Hobart Town Hall
Feature Online Gigs
11 Sept - The State of Music Ep 3 - 7:30pm
12 Sept - Pete Cornelius Shed Sessions
13 Sept - Tuck Shop Ladies Patreon Zoom Brunch - 10:30am
16 Sept - Ben Salter - *pm
Regular Online Gigs
TSO Daily Dose – 8am
Daniel Champagne – 11am
Wolfe Brothers - 7pm
North West Tassie Gig Streams - 7pm
Ben Morrison Happy Hour - 9am
North West Tassie Gig Streams
Delivered Live - 7:30pm
The Sound - ABC TV - 5:30pm