Each fortnight I post any gigs that I think might be worth a look. The list is usually heavy on folk, blues, jazz, country, punk and singer/songwriters but sometimes includes a surprise. This is not a guide to everything that is going on just the gigs that appeal to me. It will be continually updated as the fortnight passes by. I will also post gigs on my Patron of the Arts Facebook page. Our podcast "Sticky Carpets" is now available on your favourite podcast platform.
Southern Tasmania
21 May - Dave Steel & Ross Smithard - Brighteyes - 6pm
21 May - Mat & Annie - The Duke - 7:30pm
21 May - Bridget Pross - Birdcage Bar - 9pm
21 May - Black Swans of Trespass - Rektango
21 May - DK Effect Album Launch - Founders Room - 8pm
21 May - The Rubens - Odeon - 7:30pm
22 May - Bridget Pross - Cascade Brewery - 5pm
22 May - Traditional Irish Band - New Sydney Hotel - 2pm
22 May - Brett Collidge - Shambles - 6pm
22 May - Jed Appleton honours Bob Dylan - Republic - 8pm
22 May - Boil Up Album Launch - Altar - 7pm
23 May - Jed Appleton honours Bob Dylan - Republic - 2:30pm
23 May - Tim & Finn - The Salty Dog - 2pm
27 May - The Chats - Unibar - 8pm
28 May - Crooked Colours - Goods Shed - 8pm
28 May - The Chats - Unibar - 8pm
29 May - Phil Jamieson - Unibar - 7pm
30 May - Chad Morgan - Longley International
Northern Tasmania
21 May - Espresso Bongo - Live @ the Wharf, Ulverstone - 7pm
21 May - Amy & Den - Kingsway, Launceston - 8pm
22 May - Runaway Belles - Dreamfarm Eco-Arts Retreat - 7pm
22 May - The Rubens - Launceston Conference Centre - 7:30pm
23 May - The Rubens - Forth Pub - 1pm
29 May - The Chats - Pub Rock Diner, Devonport - 8pm
29 May - Brett Collidge - Bridge Hotel, Smithton - 8pm
30 May - The Chats - Rocky Cape Tavern - 3pm
29 May - Poor Man's Pot - Royal Oak, Launceston - 8:30pm
2 June - Diesel - Paragon Theatre, Queenstown - 7pm
3 June - Diesel - Rocky Cape Tavern - 7pm