Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Every Hero Needs a Loyal Sidekick

Image result for trixie belden and honey wheeler

When I was a kid my favourite books were the adventures of girl detective, Trixie Belden.  Beatrix "Trixie" Belden was a brave, adventurous and impulsive girl who spent her days solving mysteries. Her faithful sidekick, Madeleine G. "Honey" Wheeler, was sweet, tactful, intelligent, athletic and beautiful.  I, of course, always identified with Trixie.   But who, in my quest for arts patronage, will be my Honey?

In fiction, sidekicks serve a range of purposes; an alternate point of view, complementary skills and/or knowledge to the hero, comic relief or the straight man.  It is usually someone the audience can relate to more readily than the distant hero (Holmes & Watson).  The Sidekick often keeps the hero from harm whilst, on the other hand, exposing them thoroughly to the audience (Kirk & Spock). At first look the Sidekick can often seem to be the bumbling fool in comparison to the sophisticated hero only to reveal that it is indeed the hero who is the idiot (Wallace & Gromit).  The Sidekick is unfailingly loyal and is usually the more likeable character than the hero (Blackadder & Baldrick). The side kick is the confidante and often the conscience of the hero.

So who is Honey to my Trixie, Samwise to my Frodo, Penny to my Inspector Gadget, Agent 99 to my Maxwell Smart - who else but The Blonde.

The Blonde and I have been friends since before we were teenagers when we met at school.  I had recently moved into the district and was asked by the enrolling teacher did I know anyone and was there a particular class that I would like to be in?  I knew no-one and the teacher decided that he would put me in the same class as his daughter - good decision TP.  The Blonde and I have been friends ever since.  There have of course been years that have gone by without us seeing each other as we forged our way in the world but recently we have spent many a night in a dark bar pretending that we are young again and dancing like lunatics until the early hours.

The Blonde is funny, loyal and smart.  She is very attractive, somewhat quirky and socially brave - I know no one else can wear crocs and socks and get away with it.  These traits are a great asset for meeting new people when hanging out at live music venues (bars).  She never takes herself too seriously and loves a quiet drink and a laugh.  The perfect Sidekick!

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