Wednesday, 1 February 2017

The Love Interest


Every good story includes a Love Interest for the hero.  Paris and Helen, Cleopatra and Mark Antony, Lancelot and Guinevere, King Edward and Mrs Simpson, Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy, Rick & Ilsa, Trump and Melania, wait, what.....

The Love Interest speaks to the hero's inner journey and pushes them throughout their evolution.  The Love Interest will motivate (provoke, challenge, inspire, push) the hero and force the hero to earn the reader's respect and appreciation by the end of the story. We learn to respect and appreciate the hero  by seeing through the eyes of the Love Interest.  The Love Interest should represent what the hero hopes to be worthy of by journey's end.  They are the hero's inspiration and aspiration.

My Love Interest, hereafter known as "His Grumpiness" is a grumpy coffee slurper who won't see fifty again.  He's whip smart, funny (maybe a little on the acerbic side), insightful, trusting and fiercely loyal; it is a bonus that he also has a nice posterior asset. People say that you have to work hard to make a relationship work, for us, that isn't true, it is always easy.  Not to say that we don't have tense moments but it is usually because I am a lazy toad who won't do my share of the house work or that he is unnecessarily grumpy about something trivial like housework.

I picked up His Grumpiness up in a bar (Tatts - for those of you familiar with the Hobart pub scene in the nineties) after a seeing my very favourite band, Weddings Parties Anything. I learnt a great lesson that day; if you put yourself out there, you just never know how your life might be changed; you too can find a sleazy old man in a bar.

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