Friday, 27 October 2017

Midweek Ben

Making space in your life for the arts and music can be challenging.  Working fulltime, volunteering to coach kids, keeping active and upkeeping a household can leave you with little energy and it is very tempting to just plonk yourself on the couch in front of the TV.  It takes determination and sheer will to overcome this tendency.

With this in mind I journeyed out on a school nigh to the T-Bone brewery to watch Ben Salter play.  I was sitting at the bar with a beer in hand wondering whether my time would be better spent at home preparing for work the next day when Ben started his first set.  Boy, that man can sing.  The minute he sang out the first note I knew the trip our was worth it.

Ben has a new album, "Back Yourself", coming out later in the year and he played a number of new songs that are going to feature.  From what I heard so far I believe that it is going to be his best album yet and can't wait to get my hands on it.

I feel fortunate that an artist like Ben has chosen to make Hobart his home and that I get to hear such quality music on a regular basis.  It is a bit like having my own real life CD.  Oops that is a little old fashioned - it's like my very own downloadable Ben.  With the T-Bone Brewey just 5 minutes from home, why wouldn't you make space in your life for such a fabulous musician.

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