Friday, 2 February 2018

The Oils

I was never a huge Midnight Oils fan and I usually refuse to go to any gig at the Derwent Entertainment Centre because the venue is too big and too impersonal.  But how can I call myself a Patron of the Arts if I do not take the opportunity to see one of Australia's most iconic bands.

So His Grumpiness and I went.  The DEC seemed intimate after T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas and His Grumpiness and I had seats really close to the stage.

The warm up band was The Jezabels.  His Grumpiness described them as a poor man's Divinyls.  He wasn't far from wrong.

Opened with "Redneck Wonderland"  Peter Garrett is known for his bizarre dancing style but I had never seen it live.  It was fantastical and nostalgic all at once.  Peter is a beautiful orator with beautiful diction and this flows into his singing. The Oils music features driving baseline which just draws you in and makes you want to jump up and cheer.  I knew and liked nearly every song and it brought back wonderful memories of my youth and my first understanding off politics and the knowledge that I have the ability to make a change if I work hard enough.
It turns out that I am an Oils fan after all.

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